The Suitable Next Step for Plant-Based Decorating Is the Living Wall

It’s undeniable that houseplants have had a long and prosperous moment. The desire to bring even a little bit of nature within is greater than ever thanks to the growth of biophilic design and the resurgence of the indoor jungle aesthetic popular in the 1970s. Presenting the newest houseplant craze on the internet: living walls. live walls bring live art into the house and are a really unique approach to combine nature and interior design.

Though these kinds of displays are perhaps most known for their use in outdoor installations or in commercial settings like hotels and restaurants, they have also become more and more common in home settings in recent years. Despite their seeming complexity and difficulty, these green screens are really rather easy to install and maintain. All the information you need to test a living wall in your house is provided here.

Is a Living Wall What?

Living walls are vertical plant installations on walls or other structures. They are sometimes referred to as plant walls, vertical gardens, or green walls. In order to create a harmonious show of greenery, the plants are often placed closely together. Typically, the plants are irrigated via an irrigation system and grown in a growth media that is concealed from view, especially in cases when there are substantial living walls.

Living Walls’ Advantages

Installing a living wall in your home may enhance your mental and physical health, just like any other houseplant. Among their many advantages, plants have been shown to improve productivity, elevate our mood, and clean the air. Installing a living wall is another excellent solution for those with limited room to incorporate plants into their house without sacrificing shelf or floor space. A blank wall is all you need!

Living walls are not only very beneficial, but also quite beautiful. Living walls combine art and nature in a really distinctive method that elevates the exhibition of houseplants and will create a large impact in your space.

Living Wall Types You Can Try at Home

You may attempt a living wall in your house in a few different ways. These are a few of the most popular choices.

Panel Organizations

Plants are fastened to the wall by panel systems using a strong framework of some kind. Panel systems are available for purchase online from professionals that install green walls, but they may rapidly become pricey. Alternatively, you could simply build a DIY panel system at home with a regular wooden pallet and cloth stapled in between each slat to support the plants. You may find several internet tutorials that will guide you through the procedure.

Felt Organizations

This choice is ideal for residential projects since it is usually used for smaller-scale installations. Felt living wall systems use a felt hanger that resembles fabric shoe organizers that hang above doors. Each pocket of soil is filled with individual plants, and the system is fastened to the wall as a whole. These reasonably priced felt live wall hangers are available for buy online from a number of vendors.

Systems Trellis

When using vining or trailing houseplants, trellis systems are employed to produce a unified green wall impression. In order to create a lush living wall, the plants are often potted at the base of the wall and the vines are allowed to climb upward through the trellis. Compared to some of the other solutions, this one requires fewer plants to create the wall, and once the plants begin climbing the trellises on their own, very little care is needed to keep the wall looking nice—aside from the occasional trimming.

Systems for Containers

A container system is among the most sensible choices for anybody wishing to create a living wall in a residential area. Individual pots used in container systems are fastened to the wall by means of an anchor, such a bar, hooks, or even shelves. Installing close-together plants with lots of bushy or vining plants to conceal the pots below is the key to creating a coherent appearance for these living walls. Moreover, DIYing container systems is rather simple. Pots, for instance, may be suspended from wire wall grid displays, affixed to peg boards, or conventional towel rods. The options are really infinite!

Before Trying This Green Trend: A Few Things to Know

Avoid Long-Term Harm

If you’re thinking about adding a living wall to your house, the most crucial thing to remember is that correct installation is crucial. Make sure the system is waterproof; the last thing you want is for the dampness from the plants to harm your walls over time. Take your time in this first phase to avoid future harm, whether that means placing plastic sheets between the plants and the wall or potting each plant in a waterproof container.

Select Plants With Care

Selecting the right plants for your area is essential to making sure your living wall lasts a long time. If every plant eventually dies, it wouldn’t be a living wall, after all. Generally speaking, it makes sense to arrange plants of the same sort in groups and to take your space’s lighting into account. For instance, you should only choose plants that can thrive in the medium to low light conditions on the wall you want to plant them on. You should also make sure that every plant on the wall has the same amount of watering requirements. Similarly, choose your plants wisely if your wall gets a lot of strong, direct sunshine. Remember that in the event that the wall lacks natural light, you may supplement your arrangement with grow lights.

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